» Oops...
Skrev i det tidigare inlägget att jag någon dag skulle investera i borstar från Sigma. Gissa vad? Den dagen kom tidigare än väntat... Kunde inte hålla mig när jag såg deras Travel Kits (som är snäppet billigare än de stora kiten) i lila (min favvofärg!!!). Så om 1-2 veckor landar borstarna i min brevlåda. Haha, så typiskt mig...
As I wrote in the previous entry I'm gonna invest in Sigma brushes, one day. Guess what? That day came earlier than expected... I couldn't stop myself when I saw their Travel Kits (which are a cheaper than the big kits) in purple (my favourite colour!!!). So... in about 1-2 weeks I'll get the brushes in my mailbox. Haha, this is so typical me...
As I wrote in the previous entry I'm gonna invest in Sigma brushes, one day. Guess what? That day came earlier than expected... I couldn't stop myself when I saw their Travel Kits (which are a cheaper than the big kits) in purple (my favourite colour!!!). So... in about 1-2 weeks I'll get the brushes in my mailbox. Haha, this is so typical me...
Vilken hemsida beställde du kitet ifrån?
Magdalena Milde